API Documentation

Please note: This API and services are provided "as is". If you find this service useful and want to integrate it into your account management workflows, please contact GWDG Support for details.

This HTTP API for this service is mostly compatible with the haveibeenpwned.com "Search by range" API, with some minor changes (see below). To check a password against the database, send a GET request to /range/{prefix}, where {prefix} is replaced with the first 5 characters of the hashed password (SHA-1, hexadecimal, upper-case). The actual password or its unsalted hash are never exposed to the API server and remain private.

The server will return a plain-text list of hash-suffixes matching the given prefix, and a badness-score for each hash, separated by a single colon character. This list can be searched for a specific hash-suffix on client side.

To check NTLM hashes instead of SHA-1, simply add ?mode=ntlm to the end of the URL. This is particularly useful for checking existing passwords stored in ActiveDirectory, as those can be extracted as unsalted NTLM hashes and checked directly against this API without knowing the actualplain-text password.

Example (curl):

$ curl -s https://pwcheck.gwdg.de/range/E576D

Differences from the haveibeenpwned.com API:

Script Examples

The following scripts may serve as a starting point for client development or local tests.

Example (bash):

$ PWHASH=$(echo -n "password" | sha1sum | cut -b 1-40 | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]')
$ PREFIX=$(echo $PWHASH | cut -b 1-5)
$ SUFFIX=$(echo $PWHASH | cut -b 6-40)
$ curl -s https://pwcheck.gwdg.de/range/$PREFIX | fgrep $SUFFIX

Example (python):

import hashlib, urllib.request

password = "password"
pwhash = hashlib.sha1(password.encode('utf8')).hexdigest().upper()
prefix = pwhash[:5]
suffix = pwhash[5:]

url = "https://pwcheck.gwdg.de/range/" + prefix
with urllib.request.urlopen(url) as response:
  for line in response.read().splitlines():
      line = line.decode('ASCII')
      if line.startswith(suffix):
          print("Bad password!", "Score:", line.split(':')[-1])

This service is provided by Gesellschaft für wissenschaftliche Datenverarbeitung mbH.
Contact and data protection information. Copyright © Gesellschaft für wissenschaftliche Datenverarbeitung mbH.